Monday, 21 May 2012

Stage 1

Aerobic Gylcolysis

In differentined tissues, aerobic gylcoysis converses alot of glucose to locate and only takes places in the absense of the oxygen

Stage 2
Kreb Cycle
The kreb cycle is like a washing machine, because when you put the things like Aerobic Glycolysis and then it mixes it up and it produces carbon and oxygen so it makes Carbon dioxside.

Stage 3
Electron Transport Chain

When you breath you can see the steam on a cold day and that is the cO2 you are seeing.

 This is what the Electron Transport Chain does.. it goes around in circles..
34 Atp are produced from the electron transport chain

Aerobic Gylcolysis

Aerobic Gylcolysis

In differentined tissues, aerobic gylcoysis converses alot of glucose to locate and only takes places in the absense of the oxygen


Wednesday, 16 May 2012

ATP System

After 10 seconds the ATP system runs out because that how long it lasts for.. after the ATP system runs out you start to use your Glycolysis system for the sugar and then after that, you start to use the lactic acid system, you use that for like 40 to 60 seconds and it slow's you down, the thing that slows you down isthe Lactic Acid System     

                                                         ATP brakes down to make ADP and it relsese energy into are mucsles. The ATP energy only lasts up to 10 seconds

Increase in tendon strength - When you exercise your tendon gets stronger
Increase in bone density - Exercise is known to increase bone density
Increase in thickness of hyaline cartilage
Increased production of synovil fluid

Short Terms effects of exercise

The short terms effect of exercise are when your doing sport and you only run for like a 10 and 20 second sprint like 200m and 100m and in the short term is using the ATP system so you use for 10 to 15 seconds. The short term effect is you  using the ATP system up.